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booking Portfolio Part 2


Thank you for booking at Gaunts House.  

On completion of ‘Your Letter of Agreement’ we will have sent you part 2 of our Booking Portfolio to fill out and return.

For ease, we have also replicated it here, with embedded and download forms, so you can do it online.

Letting the Beauty of what we Love
Be what we Do

course booking calendar

For Small to Medium Group Bookings looking to book alongside another group.

We are happy to pass on better Rates to small and medium groups should they be here at the same time.  As small to medium groups book, we will update this page.  There will be a number of courses that we hope to put on ourselves in the coming years, and they will also be included here.

May 3-5th Medium Group Booking (Availability for another small-medium group)

July 12-14th Medium Group (Enquiry only)

 30th August -1st September (Regular Sized Group enquiry only)

20th-22nd September: Medium Group Booking (Availability for another small-medium group)

27th-29th September: Medium Group Booking (Availability for another small-medium group)

3rd-8th October:  We currently have 2 small to medium group enquiries and possibilities.

29th-1st  December Medium Group Booking (Availability for another small-medium group)


In order for us to provide a happy, high quality service, we would appreciate your cooperation in completing the questionnaire. Please inform us of 80% certain number of participants NO LATER than 2 weeks before the event.

choose a menu plan

We would welcome your menu choice from the options below as soon as possible and no shorter than a month before your event.  Thank you.

Menu 1: Vegetarian (options a & b)

Gaunts House Vegetarian Menu options A or B

Menu 1A provides nutritious, well recognisable vegetarian food for those crossing over into a plant-based diet from a meat-based diet.  This menu would be our family and child friendly option.  Menu 1B is a deeper dive into vegetarianism and gives us a chance to play with some of Gaunts House favourites, where we explore subtler more refined dishes and tastes.

Menu 2: Vegan

For those that wish a vegan menu, we can offer a delightful dive into the world of Veganism that goes well beyond omitting dairy from recognisable dishes.  Here we have the chance to create something both delicious and deeply nutritious.

Food as well as being nutritious, a delight, pleasure and enjoyment, can be a medicine.  In this menu we produce what Ayurvedic traditions would call ‘Sattvic Foods’. 

Menu 3: Raw

Raw food dives much deeper than purely salad options. In our raw menu, we will uncover methods of maximising nutrition, as well as creative flare.

This menu would suit the summer months and possibly groups looking at maximum nutrition.

2022 Harvest

special diet request form

Participants Details

On arrival, we will require a full list of your participants plus some details that we will need for your stay.  You are welcome to use your own form, but we have suggested one which you are welcome to download and use.

The old bar

We have a small licensed Bar, (normally closed), which can be opened for your group with advance reservation – see EB10.

The Bar is found in the Old Smoking Room, located in the west corner of the Old Hall. Prices are reasonable, (less than the local pubs).

If you would like to have the Bar open, then you are asked to pay the Bar Person the following:  First hour (or any part thereof) £ 10.00 Supplementary hours, (or part) £ 7.50 each These monies can be paid directly to the Bar Person or can be added to your final bill. In order that we can open the Bar for your group, please e-mail us with your request no later than 7 DAYS prior to the start day of your conference, workshop or retreat:

It is also possible to buy reasonably good wine from the Bar to enjoy with your supper – please ask.

Only by prior arrangement may visitors bring FINE WINES for their own consumption, for a corkage charge of £3.50 per bottle. No other alcohol may be brought to be consumed on the premises.

Please let us know if you require the bar

1. Allocate your guest rooms

Please click the download button for the Room Allocation Sheet.  We will let you know which rooms are available for your group. As we sometimes have up to three simultaneous groups we will try our best to meet your needs. 

The rooms will be allocated on a first come basis, and will be subject to availability.  Please send your completed form to us so that we may also have a copy of where people are staying. 

2. Deposits & Payments

We have slightly different deposit schemes depending on group size.  On completion of your booking with the signing of your ‘Letter of Agreement’ we will set up in our accounting system ‘Xero’, scheduled reminders for the next stage deposits. 

Educational Organisations planning to come to Gaunts need to understand, accept          and observe these terms and conditions and everything in the accompanying pages.

  We are not a commercial enterprise, thus we only undertake ‘educational bookings’ of a communicative and co-operative nature.  We enjoy co-operating with educational organisations, with integrity.  We offer, as essential, a Welcome & Introductory Talk describing the nature of Gaunts with reference to the course in point; and constant care and attention for guests and teachers by community members who are trained in special awareness.


  1. ARRANGEMENTS & BOOKINGS If we have not worked together previously, it is essential you come and visit to see what is available and to begin our conversation. In order to confirm your booking and assure your preferred dates, please forward your Confirmation Letter EB5 and booking deposit of 10% of the likely final invoice as soon as possible – see EB5 below.


  1. Weeks run from Friday or Sunday teatime to after lunch on the following Friday or Sunday. Weekends run from Friday teatime to after lunch on Sunday. Different periods that don’t prejudice weekends can sometimes be arranged.  Bedrooms must be vacated by 10.00am on the day of departure.  Groups end by 3.00pm at the latest on the last day, and guests leave no later than 3.30pm, unless they are staying on, or otherwise agreed in advance.                     a).


  1. You, the course administrators and teachers, are invited and strongly encouraged to arrive at Gaunts 24 hours early to settle in freely, at no extra charge. This offer is made to help the preparation and quality of the work for your group.  If an early arrival is genuinely impossible, please arrive no later than before lunch on the first day.                                                            b).


  1. MEALS: All meals for residents and campers are provided and included in the tariff.  We are unable to reduce our prices for guests wishing to bring their own food.  All catering is vegetarian, (unless otherwise arranged), of the highest quality.  Breakfast is a self-help affair.                  A variety of fresh fruit, teas, coffees and biscuits are freely available 24 hours a day.                      We provide a small selection of special diets at no extra charge when booked in advance, (see Special Diets Sheet – EB9 in Part 2).                                                                                             Breakfast is from 8.00 to 9.30am; Lunch from 1.00 to 2.00pm; Supper from 6.30 to 7.30pm.  We may be able to negotiate slightly varied meal-times if you are the only group present, or have an exclusive use booking – please ask.  Please ensure all meal-times are adhered to as diligently as possible for the benefit of your participants, the food, and our staff.             c). 


  1. Avalon and Courtyard Cottage can be especially prepared for teachers and workshop leaders at no extra cost. Terms are available for extensions after the end of a course, or for use as separate accommodation outside courses.


  1. Gaunts is Mobile (cell) ‘Phone Free. No Mobile/Cell ‘Phones; no exceptions.  Guest Cell ‘Phones may be kept in cars or bedrooms.  An offender will be asked to ‘pay a forfeit’ of the discoverer’s choice, then and there.


  1. Guest Laptops may be used in Bedrooms, and in the Dining Room between meals. Laptops OK for projection. 


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  1. There is a Licensed Bar (in the Old Smoking Room) on the ground floor, which can be opened at clients’ prior request, completion of and returning the Bar Booking Form, (see EB10 in Part 2).       No other alcohol may be brought or consumed on the premises.                                  d).        Visitors may bring their own Fine Wines by prior arrangement for a corkage charge of £4.00 per bottle.  


  1. ‘Social drugs’ are not permitted.                         e). 


  1. You, the Group Organisers, Administrators and Teachers are responsible for the conduct of your guests. Gaunts staff will take any action needed to protect guests, the ambience, and the property.  If appropriate, we will hold you responsible for any breakages, and any difficulties.  f).


  1. We try to avoid any sense of the commercial in the Public Reception and Conference rooms, and we ask you to respect this. We can provide an appropriate space for visiting groups to sell their own creative goods in the Coffee Shop for a house commission of 10%.                              g).


  1. We have excellent Therapy Rooms; several good local therapists are available. Please ask your guests to make their therapy bookings in the Welcome Room in advance or as early as possible.  If you, or your guests, wish to offer your participants therapies, please use our Therapy Rooms for which there is a charge – enquire in Welcome Room.  If you, or your guests, plan to charge for therapies, we charge a house commission of 25%.  Please request these options in advance, on the questionnaire EB7 (in Part 2) at least a week before arrival.


  1. We request one or two places for members of our community on each course at no cost to you, them or us, and three places on Large Groups.                                                                 Please advise us early whenever it will be suitable for Gaunts folk to attend your evening and other talks.


  1. We ask for a copy of all educational audio and video, CD/DVD recordings made here, (except those which are personal and private), to be offered freely to our Study Centre, a free facility available to guests, residents and visitors.       NB: All forms of media photography, filming and reportage are permitted only with prior agreement and written permission.                                                                                    h).


  1. We can provide you with brief e-mail-able descriptions of Gaunts and the basics that participants need to know and bring, and how to get here – please ask.


  1. We provide a Booking Questionnaire concerning the bedrooms, facilities and special details you feel you are likely to need – EB7 (in Part 2). Please ensure this is returned to us completed at least four weeks before the start.                              


  1. For legal & safety requirements – emergencies and fire-calls – we require accurate lists and details of participant’s names, contact details, illness/physical/mental difficulties, medication, and emergency next of kin (NOK) and contact numbers on forms we supply, and the Rooms they are sleeping in at Gaunts on Room Lists we supply, before supper on the first evening (for fire emergencies). This obviates participants having to complete forms individually.                 i).



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  1. EXTRAS We charge extra for single occupation rooms and en-suite bathrooms; work rooms in addition to your allocated room; PA and other systems beyond normal; minded audio and video recording; paper and photocopying; therapy rooms; telephone; exchanging euro and US dollars; special facilities, materials and services; damage and breakages; and for any additional expenses incurred in any way, including tardiness to meals, (staff & food waiting).                        We charge extra for any abuses of electricity, water, and resources like leaving lights on, taps running, damage and loss.


  1. EXCLUSIVE USE: Sole use is automatic for Large Groups contracting to bring 60 or more paying guests.  up to 30% course guests may be campers.  Should you have booked for a Large Group, or  sole use, and do not reach your planned number, the sole use surcharge may still be implemented.  Once booked, Exclusive Use cannot be cancelled. 


  1. DISCOUNTS We offer free rooms for ordained persons and will consider accommodation & board grants for the genuinely needy.                                                                                           FOR CHILDREN   subject to complete adult oversight and care –                                                           Up to 36 months (cots not supplied), Free                                                                                          3 to 7 years 75% off quoted tariff                                                                                                       8 to 12 years 50% off                                                                                                                      13 to 17 years 25% off                                                                                                              Children’s discounts are subject to children being carefully, lovingly and properly supervised at all times by a responsible adult that you, or a participant provide. We regret we are unable to provide child-care.  NB: There may be courses already booked which could mean that it would be difficult to accommodate children at the same time.


  1. DEPOSIT & PAYMENT STRUCTURE: STEP ONE:  Please send 10% of the projected charge to confirm your booking.                          STEP TWO:  A further 25% is to reach us not less than 4 full months by date prior to the booking arrival date.                                                                                                                                   STEP THREE:  A further 40% is to reach us not less than 1 full month by date prior to the booking arrival date.                                                                                                                          FINAL PAYMENTS A complete invoice including extras and any additional expenses will be presented to you on the last day of your course.  All outstanding balances are to be cleared before your departure without fail.  Receipts will be sent you following payments of each step.        All deposits & payments paid late are charged at 12½% pa. pro rata from the dates due.


  1. GROUP CANCELLATIONS: In the event of your cancelling 6 months before the start date of your course, a further 10% of the estimated total invoice will be charged on top of your deposit; 4 months before, a further 20% on top of your deposit.  Should cancellation occur between 2 months and the date of arrival, a further 35% on top of your deposit of the estimated invoice will be invoiced to you.  Cancellations will be recognised only in writing or by e-mail, and from the date on which the cancellation is received.  We cannot refund deposits for cancelled courses.                                                                 If we are obliged to cancel your booking due to external circumstances, e.g. an ‘imposed lockdown’, we will offer alternative dates to suit you and your group, and all monies paid as deposits will be rolled over to the new booking.  If an alternative date cannot be found that is suitable, you will be refunded in full, subject to an admin charge of no more that 15%.


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  1. GREATER & LESSER NUMBERS   If more people come than expected, therefore putting your numbers into a lower-price-band, you will automatically receive the benefit of the lower-price-band; and if less people come than expected you will fall into a higher price band.                     Please inform us of any last minute individual cancellations by e-mail no later than midday the day before the group arrives.  Otherwise we reserve the right to charge an administration fee of £25 per person per days/nights the course is scheduled to last, to be added to your final invoice.


  1. NUMBERS of GUESTS. Please advise us of 80% or so of your certain expected numbers no later than two full weeks before the start of your course.                                                                  k).


  1. In certain circumstances, failure to observe any of these terms and conditions, (notably those marked a. to k. in the right-hand column), could be penalised by a small % of the total cost up to a maximum together of 20%, plus late deposit and payment charges.


  1. Your Personal Details & Privacy – We are required to keep a register of guests over the age of 16 who stay with us, this includes full names and nationality, and/or passport numbers, place of issue, details of next destination if they are non-British, Irish or Commonwealth guests.  This is in accordance with the (Immigration (Hotel records) Order 1972).  These records are kept for a minimum of 12 months and in accordance with the DPA (Data Protection Act 1998) and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).  Our policy surrounding the personal details you provide as part of any booking or enquiry through Gaunts’ website or third party website, including the privacy of those details, may be kept on file at Gaunts and never communicated to any other person or organisation.  You accept that any entries you make to an on-site guest book will not contain personal information or details you would not want disclosed.  Any entries containing personal details that may fall into the DPA and GDPR restrictions may be removed and destroyed.


  All our dealings are open to good-humoured negotiation.  Any alterations to these terms and conditions must be confirmed in writing by Gaunts Management before being considered as agreed.

  In the event of any misunderstanding or dispute, decisions determined after consideration by Gaunts Elders or their nominee, will be accepted by all parties as binding and final.


Here To Help

We are here to support your group and event.  Please stay in touch with us as your event unfolds.  

Our new team have updated our internal systems and procedures to make your booking as seamless as possible.